Did I mention that I love snow? I love almost everything about it; especially the large white flaky stuff that floats (it's falling outside my window as I type). I don't like old snow- the kind that piles up on the sides of the streets after dirty plows push it away over and over again.
SNOW DAY! I'm also not a fan of snow that prevents me from getting where I want or need to go. I'm working from home today not because I want to but because my car is stuck in the driveway. Mike is in San Francisco and hoping his flight isn't delayed tonight (me too!). The city of Seattle and its surrounding suburbs are absolutely paralyzed today. 6 inches are on the ground and most highways and bridges are closed. We're told this much snow is a rareity and have been warned that the locals freak out when it happens (they do) but selfishly, I'm happy to see it because it just doesn't feel like Christmas without it.
If you haven't met our nanny, Sara, here she is with Grey. They're playing in the snow today and having a blast.
I also thought you might get a kick out of the neighbor who is clearing his car with...what else...a frisbee!
To those we'll be seeing next week, just know that we've been looking forward to it for months and will be ready to:
Greyson is ready to take yet another plane ride, see if Giggles* really did tell Santa how good he's been this year and show all of you: