I can't believe it's been 3 years since Grey was born. You may remember that I was due in late April of 2006 and when Grey decided to come more than a month early, once we got over the shock of it and learned he was healthy (albeit small), we thought it was pretty cool that his birthday is within a week of my dad, Mike's dad and Grey's cousin, Jake. March is a month of birthdays and we try to celebrate with one or more of them if we can.
Greyson at the Seattle Aquarium
Grey & Papa's "guitar" cake

Happy 3rd Birthday, Greyson!

Greyson & Nana- "Orca fin"
This year, my parents flew out on Thursday so Grey & Papa got to celebrate their birthdays together. My parents got to explore the city on their own for a day and on Grey's birthday, the 21st, the sun was shining so we headed to the Seattle aquarium where Grey got to stand right next to a seal trainer and watch him feed the seals fish. Needless to say, he was pretty excited. We visited Pike Place market, listened to the street musicians, watched the NCAA tournament (it is not lost on me that for the rest of Grey's life we will be celebrating his birthday in conjunction with March madness) and had dinner in the city. Greyson and Papa share a love of chocolate so the cake was perfect.

True to his word, my dad's gift to Grey was a "real" guitar; an electric, complete with amp, Strat replica. It's too heavy for Grey to hold but he is perfectly content letting it rest on his lap as he strums with the pick and sings songs both well known and made up. He got something from everyone that made his eyes light up. Puzzles and more from my sister (he LOVES the Noah's Ark puzzle), a basketball hoop from Mike's sister (BIG hit), Annie & Clarabel from Mike's parents (these haven't left his side)...he's an unbelievably blessed little boy and as I write this he's sitting quietly at the kitchen table putting together a puzzle from Mike's great-grandmother Beatrice. You're all much too generous and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

A 'brooding' rock star already?
Thank you to all of our friends and family for your birthday wishes and love from afar. It's not easy celebrating Grey's birthday without everyone near and dear to us but we know that you'd be here if you could!