We are so blessed. Today, March 21st, is Greyson’s 4th Birthday.
Greyson and I have nasty colds and Graham’s a little congested. I sat down on my deck yesterday afternoon, exhausted after the last party guest left, and just felt---thankful. We had a beautiful 70-degree sunny day for Greyson’s 4th birthday party, a houseful of spirited kids and great conversation with their parents.
- Tanner Johnson called to sing Happy Birthday to Greyson a few minutes before his party started. What a great start to the day!
- Greyson’s nanny, Sara, was the first guest to arrive.
- Then came Tegan and Ryder, Jayden and Vincenzo…Santino, Michael, Sarah, Carson and Kayla. (and their siblings- 2 Coltons, a Beckett, Ethan, Emily and 2 on the way)
- The Spiderman bouncy-house was a HUGE HIT!
- Despite Greyson’s cold, he was the host of all hosts, leading his friends in pirate swashbuckling and bouncy-house slide dives.
- Graham napped through 1/2 of the party and smiled for the rest of it. As Greyson likes to say, he behaved “like a real boy”!
He wasn’t feeling well, but the cake made him smile
The friends we’ve made in the greater-Seattle area have restored my faith in friendship. They’re genuine, fun and most of all really easy to be around. We’ve missed the ease that comes with real friendships and after a year and a half, found it in a few who thankfully have kids of similar ages. Greyson chose the guest list and his mommy and daddy couldn’t have been happier about it.
Posing in front of the house before the party
Giving the bouncy house a test run

‘I may be into Spiderman, but I’m still a pirate at heart’
Happy Birthday to our sweet boy Greyson. We love you for who you are today and for the boy you are becoming. You made this past weekend the best yet!
- G: (after watching the men deflate the bouncy house, roll it up and cart it away) “They’re taking my bouncy-house…and I’m not even upset about it!”