Monday, August 23, 2010

Fried Cheese Curds, Anyone?

Coming to you live from the shores of Lake Tomahawk…pictures will post later this week when I find the sync cord for my Nikon.

We’re on day 5 of our 11 day Wisconsin vacation.  Days 1-3 consisted of a highly anticipated annual golf outing for Mike with his college fraternity brothers. (He had ZERO fun)  The kids and I spent an awesome weekend with my family on Silver Lake where Greyson entertained by pouring a cup of milk over his head at dinner and Graham ate sweet corn off of his highchair tray with no hands.


  • G:  “Mom, I lost my manners”
  • Me:  “Where did they go?”
  • G:  “They’re in my leg”

So, a few hours later, while putting his jammies on, he tooted.  I said,“What do you say?” to which he replied “Remember, I lost my manners? I told you that already!

I turned 36 a few weeks ago. 4 more years before Mike throws me a decade party.  He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to outdo himself from my 30th (insert the winking smiley face here).  We were reminded of how great that party was when looking at old pictures; especially Patrick Blessing’s homage, written and performed by him, accompanied by his big brother on guitar.  It was the highlight of the party (parts of it made our families blush).

Graham’s 1st tooth came in a few days after my birthday and since then, he’s climbed the stairs on his own and is pulling himself up on everything and starting to cruise around.  We give him 1 month before walking begins.  His best new move right now though is waving hello with his left hand.  Say hi to him and you’ll get a wave, guaranteed.  It’s awesome.


  • G: (Watching a kissing scene in Aladdin) “Ewww, he’s kissing her dirty lips!”

We had our first order of fried cheese curds today. It’s not possible to come to Wisconsin and NOT order the fried cheese curds. At some point this week I’ll go for a run, but not tomorrow.

To those of you we’ve seen this week, thank you for contributing to an already memorable summer vacation.  To those of you we have yet to see, we’re looking forward to additional fun in the sun.


  • G:  “Hi, my name is Dick”

Happy August!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Until We Meet Again


On Thursday, July 22nd, Greyson said:

  • G:  “Are you going to be sad, Mom?”
  • Me:  “Yes, I’ll be sad for a little while”
  • G:  “Don’t be sad”

We lost our friend Patrick Blessing.  The world lost a son, a husband, a brother, an uncle, a philanthropist, a comedian, a soon-to-be-dad.  Last week we mourned his death and celebrated his life.  We miss him.

My comfort comes in knowing that God enveloped Patrick in His arms. Heaven’s laughter is louder since he arrived. Patrick sang, he danced, he loved.  He didn’t watch life, he lived it.  He was Superman. Peter Pan.  He was loved.

Patrick beat leukemia over 15 years ago and this condition prevented him from qualifying for life insurance.  Mike and I are joining forces with Patrick’s friends and family to make sure that his beautiful wife and unborn daughter are taken care of.  Click Here to view the Memorial Facebook page or Email us directly for more information.

  “To die will be an awfully big adventure”  James M Barrie, Peter Pan


(putting on his “magic” Wobble-Goggles)

  • G:  “I can see everything with these glasses!”
  • Me:  “You can??”
  • G: “Yeah…I can see Patrick!!”

I believe he could.

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