Thursday, July 21, 2011

One year later

When you are sorrowful
look into your heart
and you shall see that
you are weeping
for that which has been
your delight
~ Kahlil Gibran

  • G: “Are we praying for Patrick’s baby tonight?”
  • Me: “How about we pray for everyone who knew him?”
  • G; “Like me?”
  • Me: “Yep, we’ll be praying for you too”
I read a book last month called Heaven is For Real. I already knew that it was, but am thankful for the vivid images that now accompany my imagination.  The book didn’t make the loss of loved ones easier but it provided some much needed validation.  I sure am thankful and I will continue to pray.  Patrick, you are sorely missed.


  1. Totally agree about Heaven is For Real. Miss you guys so much. A former student of mine passed away in December and her most memorable saying to me was "love life"- I am definitely keeping that close to my heart, especially on days like today.

  2. Oh, Moll...we miss you too! I'm so sorry about your student, but what a wonderful view she had at a young age! Love you guys and we're thinking about you a lot lately (wink)

  3. Thanks so much for the great post. One of my favorite pictures of him. I actually just ordered the book yesterday. Aunt Jude and I talked about it this weekend.
