Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our little pumpkin is one. From this point forward when asked how old my children are, Graham will be "just turned one", or "almost one and a half" or "almost two". I don't do the 14, 16, 20 months old thing. So, he's one.

I'm going to spare you my lamenting over the speed of time and just share some fun videos and pictures so that you can see with your own eyes how amazingly smart, cute and irresistable he is.
My mom came out to celebrate his birthday and we're so grateful she made the trip. We spent some time at the Harvest Festival at Remlinger Farms and made sure to let Graham dig into his birthday cake. We got some of the best facial expressions as he played with his new toys. The grandparents and aunts and uncles outdid themselves again.
One of the girls in my office volunteered to make the cake; she did a great job!

Caption this photo via the comments feature. Best caption wins a prize!

Tina B- this video's for you!

Greyson gives Graham a ride...

October isn't October without a requisite pumpkin patch visit and subsequent posting of the cutest pictures ever that show us basking in the splendor of all that is fall, caramel corn and hot cider not to mention masses of screaming children, jammed up parking lots, dirt, hay and (in the case of this pumpkin patch) African pygmy goats.

Have a safe and happy Halloween. The parents don't dress up in this house much to the chargrin of our friends and neighbors. Stay tuned next week for Commander Cody and his side kick, baby Yoda dressed as a pumpkin (baby Yoda wouldn't have to dress up as a pumpkin if he didn't cost $60). Mama doesn't do $60 costumes for 1 year olds.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Grimm Can Wait...

According to my blog comments, I have 2 loyal readers- my friend Mrs. Mouthy and my mom. If you're reading this blog post now, you must post a comment so I can gauge if I should be laughing as hard as I do every time I think about it, look at the pictures or tell the story.

I dropped Greyson off at school this week. On the wall in the hallway outside of his classroom is a "self potrait" made by each of his classmates.
Look closely...


C'mon, a little closer...

Can't you see the resemblance?

If you don't post a comment I'll know (ok I won't but seriously, laugh with me)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Flying Time = Time is Flying

I’m disappointed in myself for letting my blog go dark for so long.  There’s a lot to share but I have a limit to how much I’ll write at once so here’s the quick and dirty ~

  • Mike’s dad, Lee Guenther, is the Grocer of the Year in the state of Wisconsin and was also honored by Market Watch for his wine store, Cellar 70. Pride bursts in our house for the recognition he’s receiving for all of his hard work.
  • While we attended Lee’s awards banquet in Milwaukee, the kids spent the night with friends of ours who have 3 children of their own.  Much to our surprise, Greyson slept in their youngest son’s room. Another sign that he’s growing up before our eyes.
  • Graham is cruising around the house behind trucks, cars and garbage cans. Give him something to hold and he’s moving.
  • Tooth #2 is here.
  • Birthday #1 is in 11 days and counting
  • Mrs. Sharon continues to be a focal point of our dinner conversations.  Grey recently asked if she would be wearing her hair down (you may recall he has a ‘thing’, meaning problem, about hair in ponytails)
  • We had an awesome visit from our friends, Sejal and Anne and their 2 boys, Deven and Sai.  We kept Grey and Deven out of the tub this time. Graham and Sai took a bath but we left the camera off.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, visit the blog in the February 2009 timeframe.  Priceless.
  • I had an unexpected, but short, trip to Charleston, SC this week. Seattle wins ZERO points for being a million miles away from everything.  You can’t get anywhere without burning an entire day.
  • I made the mistake of prepping a field trip to see Little Red Riding Hood by reading Grimm’s Fairy Tale to him the night before. He was so freaked out by the big bad wolf that he had to leave the theater for a bit.  Grimm can suck it. More on that later.

We’re reading the 2nd How to Train Your Dragon and in it is a one-eyed Saber-Toothed Driver Dragon that Greyson seems to appreciate more than Hiccup, the hero of the story.  A few nights ago, in an effort to stall his bedtime, he starts making connections that go something like this:

The one-eyed dragon is like One-Eyed Willie. One-Eyed Willie has one eye because he’s called One-Eyed Willie. The dragon would like him because he’s a pirate and dragons and pirates are both really cool!

From there, he tells me that he wants to go to heaven to see Hayden (did I mention that our beloved cat of 12 years died this summer?) in 20 days, because that’s a long, long, long time. This after he asked if Hayden was in a container like Grandma. I wish I could say he went to bed after this, but the conversation went in yet another direction while I pondered how to be better prepared next time for my death, heaven and God responses since I’m consistently tongue-tied as I try to preserve my dead grandmother’s memory.

We do miss Hayden. Grey said the first thing he’ll do (in 20 days, remember) is give him a BIG hug!  I still find little reminders of him, like the towel in the corner of my closet covered in his black hair, the eye goop on the bottom of the bathroom door, a brown dot on the carpet where he sneezed. He used to drive us crazy with his snorting and sneezing and goopy eyes but he had the best personality and at the end even the veterinary staff commented on what a sweetheart he was.


  • G: (approximately 7:30pm Pacific time while I was on a plane in Atlanta getting ready for my flight home) “Mom, is your hair in a ponytail?”
  • Me: (pausing, pausing)“Umm, no”*
  • G:  “OK, good”

* Dear Lord, forgive me for lying to my child, but for your home’s sake, why can’t a girl put her hair up after a LONG day that still isn’t over for fear of the argument she’ll get in with said child who is at that moment more than 1500 miles away?

I’ll sign off tonight with a pretty photo that I took after a round of golf at the Golf Club @ Newcastle. A beautiful course on a beautiful day.

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