Friday, October 15, 2010

Grimm Can Wait...

According to my blog comments, I have 2 loyal readers- my friend Mrs. Mouthy and my mom. If you're reading this blog post now, you must post a comment so I can gauge if I should be laughing as hard as I do every time I think about it, look at the pictures or tell the story.

I dropped Greyson off at school this week. On the wall in the hallway outside of his classroom is a "self potrait" made by each of his classmates.
Look closely...


C'mon, a little closer...

Can't you see the resemblance?

If you don't post a comment I'll know (ok I won't but seriously, laugh with me)


  1. Hilarious!! Can't stop laughing just thinking about the look on your face.

  2. that is funny. I can't wait until we have those funny moments with reese.

  3. Okay Jessie- that was Hilarious!! :-)

  4. I am simply speechless!!! I think I just had an accident!!! I LOVE HIM!!! I miss you guys so much!!!

  5. Leave it to Greyson! You guys are too cute!

  6. I'm a loyal reader!

    Hilarious!!! What did his teacher say!?!

  7. Wow, I really have some readers! Holly- she said "isn't it funny how kids see themselves?" and then she giggled. I have a crush on her too ;-)
