Sunday, May 27, 2012


The days are moving fast! My work days are the fastest I’ve ever experienced and that might be something you wish for but I need to slow down a bit because I’m not getting enough done and I’m learning at a pace that’s too fast for me and therefore retaining next to nothing.

On our days as a family, we wake up at 7 (that is, me and the boys wake at 7; Mike is up much earlier and bikes a solid 15 miles before we’re ready to eat breakfast). After breakfast, it’s lunch before we know it and for the past month, we’re lucky if we see Greyson more than 2 collective hours in a day. He’s made so many friends in the neighbourhood that we barely see him. We have to remind him to check in from time to time and to stop in for some lunch or a snack.

Graham, who called Greyson “Nn” for the past year (as in the sound of the letter, nothing else) now says “Gayson” and only saves “Nn” for the times when he really needs to get his attention. Graham’s 2.5 year old vocabulary is amazing and he’s already using a bit of British (garage = “gare-ridge” and backyard = garden). The funny thing is, we can’t tell if he’s picking up the accent because he can’t say his R’s anyway.

Our household goods arrived a week ago Thursday and after the 2nd full weekend of unpacking, organizing and otherwise performing duties that require a daily dose of ibuprofen, we are feeling like home in this place.

We spent a beautiful sunny Mother’s Day in the city where the boys got to see the Buckingham Palace guards for the first time. They got especially excited over the guards’ marching band which was likely a rehearsal for the Queen’s Jubilee- a celebration of the 60th year she’s been on the throne which is being commemorated on June 4th and 5th with a load of pomp and circumstance including 2 bank holidays (i.e. no one works in the UK).

So, a few big milestones in recent weeks but none more enjoyable than yesterday and today- two 80+ degree days with home cooked BGE meals reminiscent of home.  I do miss my food processor though- pesto is not easy with a £20 hand blender!

Remember our neighbours? The guy whose BMW Grey crashed into? Well, after they brought us a nice bottle of wine to thank Greyson for the scratches, they invited us to dinner twice and Mike and Ben go cycling together whenever they can; thus the early morning bike rides which Mike takes with or without Ben.  These photos were from his solo ride at 5:30am today. The Copper Horse statue is King George III. The path is called “The Long Walk” and leads to the King George IV gate at Windsor Castle.  It was paved during Queen Anne’s era apparently to make it easier for coaches to get to the castle.

Quote of the week:

(Knock on the door on Monday @ ~10am)

Fede: “Can Greyson come out to play?”

Mike: “Don’t you have school today?”

Fede: “I forgot to wake up”

(Mike’s last line in his email to me: “They must run a pretty tight ship”)


  1. I love the pictures of the scenery and of course the boys. I can't believe how much older Graham is looking already. I love you and miss you - give the boys a kiss and a hug for me.

  2. Your life is such a party! New house and "garden" look so beautiful. I can't believe you're spelling "neighbours" with a "u" already though!

  3. Mrs Mouthy- my laptop was reimaged locally so auto correct is doing that :). Realize is now relise, progam is progamme and a whole lot more!
