Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hello again!

I got an email from my brother a couple of weeks ago with one line that read "why don't you blog anymore?" Over the past 18 months I've gotten an occasional twinge of guilt about it but that email put me over the edge. Over the edge in a good way as it reminded me how much I enjoy collating stories about the boys and that despite my unsympathetic subconscious, I am a mom doing the very best she can. I'm not going to recount the milestones of 18 months - no one has the time to read a 2 hour blog so I'll just give a little fly-by into what's going on over here which can be summarised in two words: English Football.

I've told you about it before of course but the levels to which it's risen are crazy. You may not find it strange that a 5 year old boy put 5 things on his Christmas list this year and not one of them was a toy of any sort but I thought it was unusual. He wanted 3 football kits, a football calendar and goalie gloves. Our 9 year old was the same - 3 kits, goalie gloves and boots (English-speak for soccer cleats). Neither of them opened a single toy or game. Football is a year round sport here so they were outside within minutes and playing until the sun went down - that is what an average day looks like here.

If they aren't playing in the garden, in club or at school it's because it's dark outside and even then they're playing inside with a small ball and the couch and a kitchen cabinet as goals. We have no less than 3000 Match Attax cards, Top Trumps and FIFA stickers strewn about the house. They multiply like Gremlins. It's equally cute and maddening. 3000 cards and they will find a way to fight over 1. Greyson still supports Chelsea and Graham is an Arsenal fan but when it comes to football kits, they want the stars despite the team. We can't tumble dry them for fear the names will melt off the backs so our dryer rack is incessantly filled with all colours and sizes of kit - jerseys, shorts, base layers and socks. Graham plays on a team of 6 and 7 year olds and scores the majority of goals. Greyson's footwork is improving and last week he scored 6 goals in 45 minutes. Modest he isn't so we've been listening to the tales of his prowess for a week. Mike's working on his humility - if you know Mike, this trait of Greyson's doesn't sit well. He is his mother's son after all.

That's the life of our boys, truly, in 200 words or less. They have one more month of school and then football camps, golf and tennis will continue into the summer. Greyson will be in Year 3 in the fall, Graham starts Kindergarten (OMG).

As for the adults, Mike cycled Cyprus a few weeks ago and has seen some of the best golf courses in Scotland and Ireland over the past year. He has a regular golf game with 2 guys who also stay home with their kids and is in a cycling club with a group of men and women who love it as much as he does. He is a man contented but now striving to cycle one of Le Tour's legs in the Swiss Alps next year. I've spent the better part of the past year traveling for work and some play. The highlight for me was skiing in the French Alps but I also enjoyed an amazing girl's trip to Thailand as well as sunny holidays in Italy, Cancun and Costa Rica. Although my work trips aren't holidays, I am grateful for the experiences and the great people I work with who share the experiences with me. It's not a job, it never has been and I'm filled with gratitude to be surrounded by some of my best friends when I'm away from home.

As a family, we are keeping our feet on the ground for the foreseeable future now that the weather is getting warmer but looking forward to visiting Seattle in August - a long overdue return to a city we fell in love with and miss very much.As ever, we miss our friends and family, many whom have visited or plan to. We are blessed, sometimes stressed and still enjoying the experiences of life abroad. Keep in touch, give us a bell, hop on a plane and in the absence of these, know that we think of you often.

xo, Mike, Jess and the boys

1 comment:

  1. Like I said to you b4 - please don't wait another 18 months b4 you write again. Love and miss you all!! 😭
