Monday, August 17, 2009

Uncovering Treasures

If you’ve been following our blog or my Facebook page, you know that “move” has been our middle name for the past year. 3 moves in less than 12 months is a lot but I’ve actually done it before; albeit as a child when the packing and annoyance was left to my parents. If my count is right, we moved 8 times before I turned 9 and that doesn’t include the time I lived on the bus (can you really count driving from one state to the next as a move?) I remember moving into a house in Wrightstown, just outside of Green Bay, and less than 2 months later, we moved across the street because there was some major structural problems with the place. I didn’t see the structural problems but I remember that the water tasted like iron. My brother was probably Grey’s age, Jenny was maybe 5 and I was about to start the 2nd grade. By the time I started 3rd, we had moved again…and then once again the summer before 4th grade. (We stayed put after that)

Moving isn’t fun but one thing I’ve gotten a kick out of is uncovering little odds and ends that I haven’t seen in a while. When we initially moved to Seattle last summer, Allegis Group did everything. They packed every single thing we owned, loaded it onto a semi (including our cars) and drove it out here. Then they unpacked. When people you do not know unpack your things and attempt to “put them away”, you can be sure that you will be finding things you forgot you owned in the most unusual places.

Grandpa Art's birdhouse

Our 2 latest moves were packed and unpacked by us and our movers were only responsible for loading and unloading the truck. It is through this process that I’ve had fun uncovering, sometimes re-packing, giving away, throwing away and/or re-labeling so that we can find some semblance of organization. We found a box of antique tools from Mike’s grandpa Art and a box of antique silver from my grandma Lois. I now have a beautiful crystal sugar bowl in my kitchen that I’d forgotten had been given to me and Mike hung a beautiful birdhouse from the farm outside of our kitchen window. Last week, I opened a wooden box engraved with Mike’s initials and found our high school class rings, his diamond stud from the days he wore an earring and the first piece of jewelry he ever gave me; a sapphire and gold ring. It may not be fashionable and I may not wear it but there’s not a chance it’s going anywhere. Greyson contributed to our “finds” as well. As I set up the baby’s room, I’m unpacking baby seats and blankets, onsies and bibs and discovered that the Diaper Champ has been MIA for quite some time. We checked our storage unit, unpacked boxes that we thought might be mis-labeled and had all but given up when Greyson asked what was in the refrigerator in the garage. This fridge is from the rec room of our 1st house and hasn’t been used in a year so I said “nothing”. To prove it, I opened it and, of course, what did I find? The Diaper Champ! Thanks to Grey we’re saving a good $50 on a new one.

My antique sugar bowl

On the onsie note, I just had to share this photo with you. Greyson was 5lbs at birth and didn’t come close to fitting into newborn clothes so Mike scrambled to find preemie-sized things that he wore for about a month. This is a photo of one of Greyson’s preemie onsies. Our unborn child is measuring large (90th percentile right now) so there’s a good chance it won’t fit him but I’m going to hang onto it, just in case!

I can’t believe Greyson is starting pre-school in a month. He received a welcome letter from his teacher Mrs. Debbie and has his first homework assignment which is to fill out a form about his favorite things (with our help, of course). I’m trying not to get all emotional over it, but my hormones are raging and I just can’t believe he’s 3 ½ years old. Where has the time gone?

Summertime 8-9-09


  1. This was an exceptionally interesting blog Jess. I enjoyed seeing your perspective on all of our moves during your childhood - and if we count the moves made while living on the bus you could tack on 4. (Iowa, Oklahoma, 2 moves in Texas)

    Love you, Mom

  2. Did I have it right at 8? I wasn't sure about where we went after Emily Street. Thanks for the note, Mom. Love you too.

  3. What were Grey's favorite things (for his homework assignment)? That kid cracks me up, so I figure he has a few odd ball favorites...

  4. Favorite colors- blue, green and pink (what?)
    Favorite song- Lukin, by Pearl Jam
    Favorite book- The Prince and the Potty (lame!)
