Most of you know by now that we welcomed our latest miracle into our family on Thursday night. Graham Roman Guenther was born at 11:29pm on Thursday, October 22nd. 7lbs, 6oz, 19 inches. After a month of high blood pressure, a week of contractions and 2 days of doctor-ordered bed rest, we were ready to meet him! I am not going to rehash the literal pains of my labor journey; I’ll say only that I’m grateful it was 5 hours start to finish and of that time, it took 3 minutes of pushing to get him out. If you want the gory details, you’ve got my number and I’ve got time to chat.
I will eventually laugh about our Japanese post-partum nurse (“It baywee impotent you weed abou’ bwest feeding; wemme wook at you bottom”) but at 2 in the morning, for God’s sake, just let me lay down. Mike had zero patience for her and watching him make faces at her when her back was turned added levity to a very action-packed and tiresome night.
Greyson stayed with Sara for the night and was introduced to Graham on Friday morning. He didn’t stay long as the last day of “Pirates Camp” was calling his name. At least he has his priorities straight!
Daddy: What do you think of your new little brother?
G: I think he’s pretty boring
Comics aside, we are thrilled to have rounded out our little family. Overjoyed at the sheer delight on Greyson’s face even though he initially thought he was pretty boring. In love with every movement, expression and sound that comes only from a newborn baby. He’s gorgeous and he’s ours and we’re soaking up every minute. We thank all of you for your well wishes, thoughts and prayers and can’t wait for you to meet him in person.
I was asked yesterday what the secret is to making beautiful boys. Here it is (shh, don’t tell anyone)…make them with someone you’re in love with. Beautiful children are guaranteed. As for the boy part…call me. I have some suggestions J.
(Preparing to bring Graham home on Saturday morning)
G: I’m not sure Graham likes me
Daddy: He loves you, Grey!
G: Well, if he doesn’t, then he can’t come in my car
We are so happy for your family, and can't wait for you all to meet Reese. Hope to see you guys soon.
Becky, Brock and Reese Goehler
We can't wait to meet her either! I've gotten some good suggestions for Colorado next summer so stay tuned!!!