Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back in the Game!

I recently realized that I’ve been blogging regularly on Sundays and apparently am spoiling my family who now expects a post when they wake up on Monday.  I failed this past week, and boy did I hear about it.  Next time, I’ll see if I can whip up some wit with my keyboard while scrubbing a toilet, blowing bubbles with Greyson, whisking a vinaigrette, ironing Mike’s shirts and spooning cereal into Graham’s cute little mouth.  (OK, I don’t iron Mike’s shirts…but I do make a mean vinaigrette!)

Since I have not much to share this week, I’ll encourage you to check out the blogs of friends who also juggle a million things and still manage to put words to paper (or screen, as it were).

  1. www.hollyvanzeeland.blogspot.com.  Holly and her husband Nate are now a family of 5 after welcoming baby Owen to their family on March 29th.
  2. www.mrsmouthy.com.  Mrs. Mouthy is a friend in Seattle and if you want to laugh regularly, I recommend that you bookmark her blog.  She’s published; deservedly so.
  3. www.goehlerfamily.blogspot.com.  Brock and Becky are dear friends who are enjoying Year 1 with their beautiful daughter Reese.
  4. www.thepiotrowskifamily.com.  Kristin and Chris welcomed a baby girl to their family on April 1st.

No blog post is complete without pictures of my boys.  That is, after all, the reason our aforementioned families even stop by.  It certainly isn’t to listen to my incessant rambling.

Graham & Daddy enjoying a moment

April 11 005

Playing Games…Always!April 11 006

Greyson is starting to use his own language and is quite adept at making up words and when questioned about their meaning, giving a very straight-faced answer.  If you see these in a future edition of Webster’s, you’ll know where the credit is due:

  • Ironterial (I-rahn-tearial):  “It means I falled out of a tree and got hurt”
  • Planeded (Plane-did):  “It’s a word that boys can say- 2 planes is planeded”

So there.


  1. I was just cleaning out my Internet "favorites" folder and remembered about your blog. I need to get my rear in gear and put you on my blogroll--it's always so refreshing to see what you've been up to. Your professional photos are other-worldly and make me swoon.

    Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. You're welcome! We must meet soon- other than on the soccer field ;-)
