When we say our prayers before we go to sleep, we always try to remember to thank God for providing. All glory belongs to Him so although we enjoy the bunnies and the chocolate and the toys, Greyson thinks the fact that Jesus came back to life is pretty cool.
Spiderman lives with us. Sometimes he unmasks himself but it’s a miracle we got an Easter picture without the suit. (A big thank you to Uncle Nate!) We had lunch at a friend’s house on Saturday and an Easter egg hunt next door today. Our neighbors, Marilyn & Doug, are the grandparents of 4 and they know how to do it right. They hid over 40 dyed eggs in their backyard along with personal Easter baskets for each of the kids and toys and pinwheels and money-filled footballs and basketballs. The kids went crazy and it was just as much fun to watch.
“Peter Parker”
These snapshots are from April 3rd and 4th; Easter weekend 2010!Graham is 5 1/2 months old and started rice cereal for the first time this week. His little mouth opens like a bird’s when the spoon gets near him. He chats constantly (mostly “da-da” to Mike’s delight) and is always smiling.
Spiderman sure is a big helper!
Here’s a couple of shots from Easter morning. Should I tell him that he’s sitting in his trash can?
- Sara: “Grey, do you remember my friend David? It’s his birthday today!”
- Grey: “Yeah, he bounced with me in my bouncy house. He has REALLY big ears!”
Happy Easter!
You have the most photogenic baby EVER, and an incredibly photogenic house to go with him. I'm jealous!