Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greyson has been printing his letters obsessively.  He's spelling words like 'eat', 'gum' and of course his name and Graham's name.  He printed Graham's name so well last week that I thought Mike had done it.  He now has a sign on his door that says 'Do not enter' with his name beneath it.  And so it begins.
Tonight, he wrote letters on a piece of paper in no particular order, asked me what they said, and then gave me the "defintion".  It went something like this:
  • G:  What does this say? (holding up his sign that says "RF SGN")
  • MeUmmm...errfsgen?
  • G: Yep. It's another word for 'excuse me', when you burp
Graham @ 17 months
Graham's vocab is picking up.  He's got 'car' and he's perfected 'all done'. Oh, and he's signing 'more'.  I'm anti-sign language because I've got it stuck in my head that it's going to keep him from talking even longer but Sara doesn't know I'm against it and I don't want to hurt her feelings so now both the boys are signing everything from 'more' to 'thank you' to 'yes'.  Did you know that you make your hand into a fist and bob it up and down to say yes in sign language?  Yeah, neither did I.  What's wrong with nodding your head? 

I didn't get on a plane for the entire month of March and in fact am supposed to be in Jacksonville right now but a flight delay screwed up my schedule so I took the opportunity to stay home on this one too.  It's been a nice change.  April, May and June bring international air space back into our lives with trips to Canada, Paris, Cabo and Amseterdam.  The blog has been quiet because I've been enjoying my time with Mike and the boys.

The video below, from our second Flip camera because the first one went in the bathtub courtesy of Graham, is downtime with the boys at our house in the month of March.  Our first Flip camera now joins the likes of numerous cell phones, water logged or lost, my iPad which met its fate on an airplane from Dehli after a 10 hour flight (I flat out forgot it on the plane and do not deserve to carry anything that valuable ever again) and 2 iPods, both lost to the water, one at the hands of Greyson at age 2 and the other to an unfortunate incident in Cancun.

We hope you're all starting to get some glimpses of spring.  She shows her face at fleeting moments in Seattle but this week is wet.  We haven't suffered the long and miserable snowy/icy/cold Wisconsin winter so you won't hear us complaining but we're definitely ready for warmth and sunshine just like everyone else.  We're missing you terribly and looking forward to blog comments, emails and phone calls.


  1. Both dad & I thought that was incredibly cute!!!
    You are pretty incredibly cute as well.

    Paris??? Wow!!!

  2. OMG. I love the video! I am hoping to make one of Olivia in my free time.
    I always look forward to your blogs. Always a great job!!!

  3. No worries about the sign language--the research actually shwos that kids who learn sign language speak sooner than their non-signing counterparts as well. (Sorry I don't have the source for you.) I have no idea how it works, but both my boys have signed a ton and simultaneously learned to speak orally.

  4. That was adorable! I especially loved Greyson's reenactment of Captain Jack (though I am wondering why I never saw Johnny Depp in his underwear?!?). The dancing Graham - too cute for words - makes me excited for Owen to get to that age. And, I taught Owen to sign too - I didn't do it with the girls, but it does help with feeding time. He does "more", "milk", and "cheese" (can you tell he's from Wisconsin - wonder what the sign for "beer" is?). :)
    Take care!

  5. Grapefruit is classic. Love hearing your voices and laughter. Just got back fron Ultimate...snowed a bit. Actives raised a bunch for the PBMF. Much Love, Sibs
