Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Greetings from Seattle!

I've been trying to come up with a way to say hello, collectively, to our friends and family (mainly in Wisconsin, but we've got some people who care in other parts of the world as well) so I'm going to try my hand at blogging and see how it goes. I will apologize in advance for what will undoubtedly be boring, rambling and sporadic posts as I:

a) don't have time to call home, much less post
b) have a bit of a phobia of "internet" publishing (i.e. facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc)*
c) am not sure if our family and friends will have their own time to read, or access, this site

*disclaimer: the aforementioned phobia has been beaten down by the fact that I cannot say no to peer pressure and have thus caved to facebook and LinkedIn (MySpace will never happen- sorry Dad)

So, sit back, relax and enjoy the small window into this crazy thing we call life with the Guenthers.


  1. Ok, I will try this again.

    I love this and it is also making me feel like I'm there, which by the way looks absolutely beautiful (the neighbor using a Frisbee to clean his car was great)

    Keep this up as much as you can - I love it, love it, love it. Oh, and that was quite the subtle message about giving up your parenting while you're here. You know when Grey is in good hands.
    Can't wait to see you soon. Mom

  2. Hey guys,

    Uncle Brian here. Just checking out the new site. Waaaaay cool! You've done a great job with it Jess (Mike too). All of the pics are awesome. It feels like we're almost there. Jess, I have one question for U. Since when is cousins spelled counsins? Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I know that you are super busy and I'm just bustin ya. Can't wait to see you guy's at Tasmania. It should be a great time.

    Peace out,

    Uncle Bri

  3. As usual, you are full of great, wonderful words and pictures! This is a great idea, we may have to follow suit on this one....loved your christmas card, and things in seattle sound great. Had a fun time at the wedding hanging out too. unfortunately, my old age and decreased ability to drink caught up to me and I had to "retire" back to our room at midnight!

    oh well, talk soon. Jackson wants to say something to Grey---- mcccccccccm----, he actually just typed that! it means hello in 2 1/2 language!!!!

    Eric, Meg, and Jackson
