Friday, February 26, 2010

What’s Your Status?

Why Facebook is the bain of my existence, but like a mosquito to a porch light, I can’t stop looking.

1. Why do my “friends” insist on posting inspirational quotes as their status on Facebook and don’t credit the original author?  Here’s a status for you “He who can’t be original can be annoying”

2. Help me understand a status like “I’m so happy about a decision I just made” and the first comment says “can you share it” and the author’s response is “not on Facebook”.

3.  Why are women posting their bra colors as their status in an effort to confuse the men in your network?  Don’t we confuse men enough as it is?

4.  Can we boycott the sappy, my life is amazing, no one has a better family, car, house, kid or pair of jeans?  Let’s be honest people. We’re all just voyeurs hoping for a bit of juicy gossip.  No one cares how hot your husband is.

5.  If I work with you, don’t update your status with how busy you are.  Seriously. 

6.  Don’t even get me started on Mafia Wars, Farmville, Ice Cream Scoop Town, Hearts of Love blah blah blah…I’ve blocked all of you and will continue to block you so quit wasting my time.

7.  If you friend me and don’t at least say ‘hi’, I’m going to de-friend you.  I do not want to be a statistic that helps you win the “I have the most friends contest”.

8.  If you attempt to friend me and I do not know you, I’m sorry.  I will ignore you.  I do not care how many friends I have.

9.  I have friends, who are mothers, who have professional full time careers and somehow they manage to update their statuses multiple times a day.  How is that possible?  And…why?

10.  As much as I complain about it, I still visit it, and I enjoy the fact that my parents (both of them) are on it.  I especially enjoy seeing my parent’s friends comment on how cute my kids are.  I get to catch up with great friends and acquaintances, co-workers and friends of friends.  It might be the best invention next to Shrinky Dinks.  For those reasons and more, I’ll keep coming back.


(In the kitchen after Mike returned from the “Big V” (‘Vasectomy’ for the laymen out there)

  • G:  “Daddy had surgery?  How come?”
  • Me:  “Well, it was more of a procedure”
  • G:  “For what?”
  • Me:  “Well, you know how we have you and we have Graham. We decided that we don’t want to have any more babies.  We just want you and Graham”
  • G:  “So you don’t have to have 5?”
  • Me:  “Exactly”

                      Our two (not 5) children:

Feb 10 051

Overheard:  When he didn’t know we were listening, Greyson told Graham about all the fun they were going to have together “playing pirates”, “playing golf”, “playing shooting” and “follow the leader”.  When Graham woke up yesterday morning, Greyson said  “when Graham bees bigger, maybe he wants to sleep with me”.

(Sigh of content)…Have a GREAT weekend!

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