Monday, November 30, 2009
So long, Cap'n Jack
Greyson is no longer a pirate, he’s a king! His scepter is a long-handled shoe horn (don’t ask). Bow to him or suffer the consequences!
G: I’m the King and you have to listen to me!
Me: But a King always respects his mother!
G: (pause) Well, you can be the Queen and then you have to listen to me!
I guess the King of my castle needs a few words from his Queen! Hmmph!
Onto the ways of the common people…Graham and I visited my office last week. As much as I hate to admit it, it sure was nice to see some adult faces and get caught up on a little business-speak!
G: Is it tomorrow?
Me: No, it’s today
G: Awww, but daddy told me yesterday that I could have my plane back tomorrow!
Me: Well, yesterday makes tomorrow today. I mean, now that it’s today, tomorrow is a different day. What I mean is…oh, never mind. You can have your plane back.
Thanksgiving was a rousing success and the first annual with Mike’s parents**. We had a great time while they were here and are so glad they got to spend time with Greyson & Graham. Greyson kept things interesting, as usual and Graham did his best to behave though he fussed over reflux a bit. He was diagnosed the day they flew back to Central Wisconsin and now that he’s medicated things have gotten quieter around here. Grandma Janet and Papa Lee spoiled all of us rotten! Thanks again, you guys! We’ll see you in a month! Greyson spent the first hour after bedtime tonight singing Jingle Bells and Santa Claus is Comin to Town. No scrooges around here!
**1st annual implies there will be a 2nd annual, FYI
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bizarre Sightings
Greyson is an alien.
No, not all of the time; only when it’s time for bed. He turns into a child I am not familiar with and therefore I have no idea what to do. Tantrums, fits, screams and cries. He’s crazy, at least that’s what I tell him. And I, in turn, am crazy too. If any of you know where my sweet Greyson goes around 8pm every night, please let me know.
And on the subject of crazy…I’ve got 3:
- my neighbor Bob washed his car yesterday…in the rain. What?
- a work van in the driveway of the house across the street. The text on the side of the van? Great. I hope they figured out a way to trap them. If my live-in pirate sees a rat, we’re going to have a new pet in the house.
- my Christmas tree is up, the stockings are hung and the poinsettias are in position. I had the energy, so I capitalized. Make fun of me if you have to.
And now for some really fun stuff. Here’s a sneak peak at our holiday card. The photographer who did our maternity photos took pictures of the boys. This is my favorite from the session.
- Me: Greyson, what did I tell you about pulling pieces of the rug out?
- G: I didn’t pull it out. I just stepped on it and it scrambled over here!
(At the dinner table)
- Me: 5 more bites
- G: I don’t think I can eat that much, so how about 1, 2, 3?(counting off on his fingers) Yep!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monkey Madness
I finally washed Greyson’s monkey blanket. It was nasty and in desperate need of a cleaning. Those of you who have children who are attached to a ‘lovey’ know that the timing of a wash is critical; particularly if your child still naps for 2 hours. I think the monkey was relieved as he was disgusted with his own stench. He’s now able to focus on more important things, like avoiding Greyson’s nighttime drool. The thing is, I’m willing to go through this again with Graham because the monkey has been such a comfort for Grey when he needs it.
We received this blanket as a gift for Graham (thank you Chris & Marianne!) It’s the right size, it’s personalized and it contains the requisite softness plus silk that soothed Greyson…and me, once upon a long time ago! I absolutely adore it and I think Graham will too.
I read today that Christmas Eve is 42 days away. How crazy is that? Greyson is fully into the spirit of Christmas. Loosely translated, this means that while looking at the Back to Basics toy catalog, Greyson says “I want this, and this, and this, and that”. I bought new stockings this year and Greyson woke up this morning wondering if his was full. Yesterday, he pulled out a Christmas Tree art project and proceeded to pull off and eat (yes, EAT) a handful of glitter-covered mini marshmallows. Mind you, this art project is from last Christmas. Ewwww! Said evidence is below. Can you count the missing marshmallows?
So, my angel child, who at 3 weeks fits into sleepers that took Greyson 3 months to fill out, continues to occupy the majority of my time and I’m cherishing the moments. He’s ready for Christmas too!
Safe travels, mom. Thanks for everything! Next up, Grandma Janet & Papa Lee…the boys can’t wait and neither can we!
He really does open his eyes…
Monday, November 9, 2009
Captain Stink Butt
Greyson finally has a pirate buddy. Grey is Captain Jack (Sparrow) and Graham is Captain Stink Butt. Appropriate, I’d say. I wish I could say that Grey came up with “Stink Butt”. Alas, it was Mike. The two of them are peas in a pod these days. Mike can’t get out of the house without Grey clinging to his leg.
Graham hit the 2 week milestone last Thursday. Time is moving quicker this time around. With Greyson’s first few weeks, it felt like it stood still since I was literally awake around the clock with very small breaks of sleep in between. With Graham I find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep until he’s ready to wake me up again. He gave me a 4 hour stretch last night. In some ways, I wish time would stand still again. He has gained nearly a pound already! He smiled at my mom yesterday (seriously, a genuine open mouthed grin) and we’ve already heard a coo. I forgot how great that sound is. Here’s some other things I’ve forgotten:
- Leaky breasts
- Projectile poop
- The frantic sounds of a hungry baby
- The satisfaction of a successful latch
My mom’s birthday was November 6th and lucky her, she got to spend it with us! I wish I could say we did something fun and exciting. We did have a home-made clown face cake that was supposed to look like a pumpkin, a couple of glasses of Prosecco and a nice meal! Dad, she’s ready to come home but I’m going to be sorry to see her leave!
Happy Birthday, Nana!
Nana & Greyson have done some serious bonding. He’s going to be sorry to see her leave too!
- Nana: “You are such a great big brother”
- Grey: “Yeah, because I don’t hit him in the face”
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
G: Mom, I don’t like your hair like that!
Me: Why not?
G: Because it’s not styled!
I guess being on maternity leave is causing some issues for my eldest son. My lack of grooming bothers him…
G: Mom, take your ponytail out!
My mom is in town for 2 weeks (SO grateful!) so I have some time to blog and wanted to be sure and share some Halloween treats, tricks and pics
TREAT: seeing my mom in a full-on clown costume, including face paint, that she brought to go trick or treating with Greyson. So, a pirate & a clown. They had a blast!
TRICK: a couple of days before Halloween, Mike and Greyson walked to Rose Hill park just a couple of blocks from our house. They returned an hour later and they weren’t alone. A 5lb puppy with no tags followed them home. The dog spent 5 hours at our house, including a nice poop on the lawn, before his owner called us. It’s a good thing Mike & Grey went door to door and left our phone number or our new little friend would have been dropped off at the Humane Society!
And Graham? What a blessing he is to our family! Greyson is proving to be a magnificent big brother, I’m getting some rest a few hours at a time and enjoying the lovely peace that has settled itself upon our home. Does it get more peaceful than this picture?????
Happy Halloween to all! (And Happy Anniversary to my sister and her husband- 1 year today!)