I finally washed Greyson’s monkey blanket. It was nasty and in desperate need of a cleaning. Those of you who have children who are attached to a ‘lovey’ know that the timing of a wash is critical; particularly if your child still naps for 2 hours. I think the monkey was relieved as he was disgusted with his own stench. He’s now able to focus on more important things, like avoiding Greyson’s nighttime drool. The thing is, I’m willing to go through this again with Graham because the monkey has been such a comfort for Grey when he needs it.
We received this blanket as a gift for Graham (thank you Chris & Marianne!) It’s the right size, it’s personalized and it contains the requisite softness plus silk that soothed Greyson…and me, once upon a long time ago! I absolutely adore it and I think Graham will too.
I read today that Christmas Eve is 42 days away. How crazy is that? Greyson is fully into the spirit of Christmas. Loosely translated, this means that while looking at the Back to Basics toy catalog, Greyson says “I want this, and this, and this, and that”. I bought new stockings this year and Greyson woke up this morning wondering if his was full. Yesterday, he pulled out a Christmas Tree art project and proceeded to pull off and eat (yes, EAT) a handful of glitter-covered mini marshmallows. Mind you, this art project is from last Christmas. Ewwww! Said evidence is below. Can you count the missing marshmallows?
So, my angel child, who at 3 weeks fits into sleepers that took Greyson 3 months to fill out, continues to occupy the majority of my time and I’m cherishing the moments. He’s ready for Christmas too!
Safe travels, mom. Thanks for everything! Next up, Grandma Janet & Papa Lee…the boys can’t wait and neither can we!
He really does open his eyes…
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